Friday, 5 August 2016

University: O-Week and Week 0

I didn't know if I can blog about my science orientation week, since you know, drama about orientation camps, but I guess I can say some things.

Initially, I thought I was gonna be awkward 'cos you know, talking to and meeting new people. And I guess when I sat down to one of the guys during lunch and tried to talk to him, there wasn't much to go on, like he was almost interested in nothing after working at a Crocs store almost all day every day. I guess that kinda gave me a bad vibe of what the rest of the camp would be like: awkward conversations, having nothing to talk about with these people lol That was until, I sat down next to the guy, who listens to ancient Chinese songs, and discovered he's actually a weeb. Then talking to people on the train during one of our trips out and about, we learned we have a lot of people who watch anime. At least that made me feel more comfortable than compared to the Catholic camp lol orz Also Julia was there, so that made me feel better c:

Our OG also won the very first round of games on the first day, even though the remaining games were won by one OP house... At least that was something to our name lol And to my surprise, I actually felt disappointed when we were told the camp would be cancelled halfway. And that's coming from me, someone who was hesitant about orientation camps and socialising with people lol

Anyway that aside, bidding for modules has been a painful experience for me. During round 1, I was hoping to bid for my SP and one of the freshman seminar mods, and I ended up not getting either :/ During round 2A, I thought I would only need to bid for my GEMs, but then I discovered I could bid for my freshman mod too!! So I did bid for that lol And one of the GES/H, that I didn't know was a popular mod - but I Had no idea it would be so popular, and surprise surprise, I got outbid again. So now, after 2A, I ended up bidding for a GET that I didn't want to do, but I guess I can live with it, 'cos it's kinda TOK-based lol Also I learned that Crocs Boy is in my class too, so I guess having someone in the same position as me (it was a back-up plan for him too) makes me feel a little better.

All that I needed left was my SP, but I just learned that it's not available for bidding in round 3, so that's out the window. However, one of the GESs I wanted is available - but only one spot, and I don't know whether I should risk it. I mean I'll still try and bid for it, but as to whether I get it is another thing. Also if I do get it, it means I'll have missed the first lesson since it starts on Monday, the same day as bidding, and I don't want to miss a lecutreeeeee My back-up though, is taking Bahasa Indonesia LOL Honestly that's not a bad idea, since I have an Indo boyfriend and I should learn how to speak his language. Also taking up another language is not such a bad idea, it's a useful skill. But I guess I'll just have to wait till Monday to see what happens.

TL;DR bidding for modules is horrible, causes me a lot of heart pain and stress lol Just hope that next sem my compulsory mods get allocated to me... Module bidding is very sian and has characterised my week before school actually starts. Oh well :/

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