Yesterday, when we were getting our results by sms, I thought I'd be the only one going to SenorSchool. Until lo and behold, Claire and Ning messaged me, saying that they ended up at SenorSchool too. They had put it as their second choice, and I honestly didn't expect them to come because 1. didn't expect that to be a choice for Ning and 2. a very small intake of students. Anyway, I'm happy I'm not alone c:
Anyway, to start off the day, I left the house at 6.30 in the morning, was dropped off at the MRT station and took a train ride, which honestly, was kind of a strange experience first thing in the morning. At least I had been to the school by public transport a few times, so that's okay. The awkward bit though, was walking to school, surrounded by secondary students and a couple of the JC students behind me. You could probably pick me out of the aerial view of the crowd, because different school uniform sigh. I didn't see anyone else who wore a different uniform, let alone someone from school...
After getting through the school gates though, it wasn't so bad. One of the secondary school teachers I think, just told me where to go, so I went. There were already a couple of new students there, so I just joined in. Wasn't too hard, I suppose. Just talk about what school we're from, subject combinations and all that jazz...
The form class I got is pretty cool, I guess. I mean it's kind of nice to have the seniors physically join us for the rest of the year, in an actual classroom. One of their voices sound ridiculously close to my sister's, so I was a bit creeped out by that. Anyway, apart from that, I suppose my form classmates are from a range of schools, which is kind of nice, because it brings some diversity to the cohort. A couple of them read manga and watch anime though, which I don't mind, but I don't want to relive past experiences plsnotagainI'mseventeennottwelve. My only problem at the moment is trying to remember everyone's names sigh.
Apart from meeting everyone, we also got a lot of talks: about the IB, subjet choices, school spirit... It was way too tiring after listening for so long, that I genuinely felt like sleeping. Or maybe it was because I hadn't drunk enough water idk. I kinda have a rough idea of what I want to do, and as for the school songs we have to learn, well I guess I could just listen to my dad sing them out overdramatically, considering he's an old boy.
Speaking of meeting everyone: there was an unexpected, certain someone who suddenly appeared at the school - not as part of our cohort, though... I don't intend to be mean, but I didn'treallywanthertocomeintoourschool. Although, after learning that she actually wants to go to poly, and has no interest in IB or JC at all, and is instead being forced to, I feel kinda bad for her. I mean I know my dad was initially hesitant about SenorSchool, but I guess he turned around at some point, so he supports where I want to go, so... Anyway, I kinda hope she gets to where she actually wants (andnotreallyintoourschoolI'msorrybutasdhfalsdfhasodfd)
Overall, I think it was a pretty good day. Quite tiring, considering we ended at 5 pm. Got home at six and ended up animal crossing until 7.30 lol. I should probably sleep soon because sentosa tomorrow and birthday holla. Also choir cantor auditions on Sunday and I haven't practised hnnnnnnnng
~First day of school sigh~
- Micaela c:
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